Aditi Khandaskar

How You Can Leverage Brand Identity To Grow Your Business

The design of your brand is a key component in making it memorable. Let’s understand this with an example. What comes to your mind when you see this image? Yes, you guessed it right- it’s McDonald’s. The red and yellow color reminds us of McDonald’s just through the reflection of the fries. No doubt McDonald’s has brilliantly used design to create their brand identity but what about you?

A unique and strong brand identity has the potential to make you stand out in a meaningful way. It’s a way to attract and build connections with your potential customer. Brand identity can be built in several ways but focusing on the visual language can take you a long way as 75% of the consumers make the purchase by visual appeal first. 

Let’s see what wonders good design can do for your business:

Creates an identity of the company

A brand identity is dependent on various factors such as packaging, product quality, etc but designing plays a huge role in shaping the brand identity. The brand color, font style, and logo should complement each other and should correlate with your brand personality. Your design attracts a certain kind of audience so make sure you choose elements wisely.

Good design can boost your marketing 

In the era of online marketing, people believe in purchasing products on how good they look. An appealing design and the ability to connect with your customer through design will get you more consumers. If you are able to achieve that, you will successfully grow your brand. 

Good design helps you stand out

Whenever you visit a supermarket you will always find that items with good design catch your eyes. This gives you an upper edge as consumers will buy your product rather than turning towards your competitor. If your design complements the product/ service and looks attractive, people will gravitate towards it.  

Good design connects you to the customer

Great designs can connect with the customer in meaningful and emotional driven ways. Visuals are a great way to show what your brand stands for and can convince your message to the customer. 

What does a basic brand identity comprise?

- Typography

Text is a simple yet important factor that can change the entire feel of the brand. The wrong font can depict a different visual identity. Therefore typography should be easy to read and it should be able to communicate the message and complement the design.


- Color Palette

Color has a huge significance on your brand. Each color depicts a different meaning. Warm colors show excitement and creativity whereas cool colors symbolize peace and harmony. Have you ever noticed that banks generally use the blue color in their designs and logo as it symbolizes order and trust. That’s why it is important to choose a color combination based on your brand’s personality and style.


- Logo

A logo is the identity of your brand. Every element of your logo contributes to your brand identity including font style, color, and shapes used. A slight change in any factor can greatly impact how the brand is perceived.

These are a few basic elements in your design. For an attractive design, you need to include some advance and modern design elements. Put your brand in the best way with 9Works. We provide all basic to advance elements for your brand.

  • Illustrations
  • Photography
  • Icon 
  • Patterns 
  • 3D graphics
  • Diagrams 
  • Motion 
  • Web design
  • Brand principals